On Thursday 2nd September 2021, 8 people from our Corporate Sponsors Hartsfield will take on the National 3 Peaks Challenge.
Joined by a 3-member support team, the group will climb the highest peaks of Scotland, England and Wales in just 24 hours.
Starting at Ben Nevis in Scotland, followed by Scafell Pike in England and ending at the top of Snowdon in Wales, the team will walk 23 miles with a total ascent of 3064 metres. Just one of these climbs is challenge enough on its own. So to do all 3 back-to-back with little or no sleep will be a real achievement.
Starting at 4pm on Thursday 2nd September, we aim to have climbed all 3 peaks by 4pm on Friday 3rd.
If you’re in a position to do so, please make a donation to the team’s Just Giving page: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/hartsfield-3-peaks
Watch out for our updates on social media and those all important peak pics!