Incredible Kids
Meet Incredible Kids. A small children’s charity in Bristol supporting children with additional needs. With your help, we’ve been able to help fund and support play sessions to prevent loneliness and social isolation.
Wiltshire Mind
Wiltshire Mind is an independent charity supporting people in Wiltshire who are experiencing mental health problems or emotional distress. With your help the Sarah Jayne Charitable Trust will fund a new trauma counselling service which is particularly important given the devastating effects of COVID-19.
Bath-based Designability has built over 500 Wizzybugs which have helped more than 900 children across the UK. Costing £4,850 each, Wizzybugs are provided free of charge to children who need them. The Sarah Jayne Charitable Trust has already helped fund a Wizzybug in 2021, and with your help, we pledge to add at least one new chair to their loan scheme each year.
Community Matters
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